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Leadership 2023 update.
1. A nurse is assessing a client who had a recent stroke. Which of the following findingsshould
indicate to the nurse the need for referral to an occupational therapist?
a. Facial drooping
b. Receptive aphasia
c. Unilateral neglect
d. Memory loss
2. A charge nurse in the newborn nursery is delegating tasksto an assistive personnel (AP).
Which of the following is an appropriate task for the AP?
a. Show a new mother how to change the newborn’s diaper
b. Inspect the skin of a newborn who isreceiving phototherapy
c. Obtain the weight of a newborn who isreceiving formula
d. Answer the parents’ questions about newborn circumcision
3. A charge nurse is planning the care of four newborns. An assistive personnel and licensed
practical nurse are available for staffing. Which ofthe following tasksshould the nurse assign to
a licensed practical nurse?
a. Conduct the newborn hearing screening
b. Perform aNew Ballard screening
c. Administer a hepatitis B vaccine
d. Obtain vitalsigns
4. A nurse is completing discharge teaching with a client who is being treated for tuberculosis
(TB). Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the
a. I need to have a TB skin test done once per year
b. I need to take my prescribed medication for 3 months
c. I should have a sputum culture done every 2 to 4 weeks
d. I should wear a mask while around my family
5. A newly licensed nurse isfloating to an unfamiliar unit and determinesthat he does not have
sufficient experience to safely care for his assigned clients. Which of the following actions
should the nurse take?
a. Accept the assignment with help from assistive personnel on the unit
b. Document the concern in the nurse’s notes
c. Notify the risk manager
d. Request that the charge nurse modify the assignment
6. A nurse is conducting an in-service about the nursing code of ethics with a group of newly
licensed nurses. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching as
an example of advocacy?
a. Recommending a referral for a client who requires physical therapy
b. Suggesting a client’s partner attend a support group for emotionalsupport - check
c. Completing an incident report following a medication error
d. Evaluating a client’s home forsafety hazards
7. A nurse is caring for a group of clients. Which of the following clientsshould the nurse plan to
assess first?
a. A client who has congestive heart failure and haslost 0.9 kg (2 lb) in the past 24 hr
b. A client who has diabetes mellitus and reports paresthesia in hisfingers and toes
c. A client who has a new diagnosis of Graves’ disease and a TSH level of 0.2 microunits/mL
d. A client who has a nasogastric tube and has crackles in the lungs
8. A staff development nurse is giving an in-service presentation about advocacy in nursing.
Which of the following statements by a nurse indicates an understanding of the role of a client
a. As a client advocate, I will suggest the best course of action for clients who are indecisive
b. In the role of client advocate, Ishould take responsibility for coordinating each client’s
c. My role as a client advocate is to empower the clients to make informed health care
d. As a client advocate, I will adhere to the provider’s prescribed treatments
9. A charge nurse in the emergency department is supervising a nurse who isfloating from the
medical-surgical unit. Which of the following assignments is appropriate for the float nurse?
a. Set up a trauma room for an incoming client who was in a motor-vehicle crash
b. Perform a urinary catheterization for a client who has experienced a stroke - check
c. Administer IV nitroglycerin to a client who is experiencing chest pain
d. Complete a SAD PERSONS assessment scale for a client who has attempted suicide
10. A nurse is planning discharge for a client who has rheumatoid arthritis. Which of the
following statements by the clientshould the nurse identify as an indication that a referral to an
occupational therapist is necessary?
a. I will need assistance with bathing - check
b. I am tired of having pain in my joints all the time
c. I’m having difficulty climbing the stairs at my house
d. I need some help planning my mealsto maintain my weight

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Hello, my name is EDWARDS and I am a registered nurse and tutor with over 5 years of experience in the field. I am passionate about helping students achieve their academic goals and I am confident that I can help you succeed in your nursing studies.I have a proven track record of helping students improve their grades and pass their exams. I am also an experienced tutor and I am familiar with the curriculum and the types of questions that you will be asked on your exams.I am offering a variety of exam papers to help you prepare for your nursing exams. These papers are designed to help you assess your knowledge and identify areas where you need to improve.I am confident that my exam papers will help you succeed in your nursing studies.

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